Why dont u guys work together???

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Why dont u guys work together???

Post by Guest »

I dunno if im stupid when im saying this, but i think u work in a wrong way. You are one of the few peapole in the world that has the capapbilty to make an OS. And what do u do? Every single one of u make ur own OS, instead of togheter make one powerful OS that maybe could become somfing.... Take the Windows NT source-code and make something! It would really be popular; peapole are tired of getting so much more than they ask for with windows. Just try searching for "remove fax service" on an usual search engine. You will get many hits.

RE:Why dont u guys work together???

Post by Karig »

I suspect most of us don't get together to make a common OS because most of us work on an OS as a hobby -- a pet project where each of us figures out how the computer works and writes some code to make the computer do something. I suspect that for most of us this isn't really about making a polished end product for other people's use; if it were, you wouldn't see so many posts on this and other OS-development sites on "the basics" (protected or unreal mode, GDTs, interrupts, programming the PIC, boot sectors, etc.).

As for me, I'm deliberately working on an OS so simple that it can be understood entirely by a single person (me). Getting together with somebody else would sabotage that objective.

The people who are working to create one powerful OS are already working on Linux (or FreeBSD, or SkyOS, or Syllable, or MenuetOS, or ReactOS, or ...).
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