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owner@HARRYS-VISTA /c/cross/binutils-src
$ configure --prefix=install --target=i386-elf --disable-nls -v
configure: error: can not find sources in . or ..
what am i doing wrong?
also what type of elf (i386 , i586, ect) should i use?
i am witting my kernel (based on above tutorial) 4 a intel IA-32e type prossesore if that helps
.................................. um what should i put here .............................?..........................................
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plz help i am a noob and i don`t no what i am doing wrong
.................................. um what should i put here .............................?..........................................
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plz help i am a noob and i don`t no what i am doing wrong Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
You know you posted that followup only 48 minutes later, don't you?!?!
.................................. um what should i put here .............................?..........................................
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I gave you the answer in the other thread, but since you asked for it:
"Certainly avoid yourself. He is a newbie and might not realize it. You'll hate his code deeply a few years down the road." - Sortie
[ My OS ] [ VDisk/SFS ]
i did read the document i dose not explain any of the above questions
.................................. um what should i put here .............................?..........................................
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I did read the document i dose not explain any of the above questions
Apparently not:
1. it told you to use Cygwin, you didn't read it.
2. it gave you the exact commands, you didn't copy it.
3. it provided you with an appropriate target, you still bother to ask.
So I stick with my opinion that you should RTFM. Again.
After all that, I even wonder wether you read my private message
"Certainly avoid yourself. He is a newbie and might not realize it. You'll hate his code deeply a few years down the road." - Sortie
[ My OS ] [ VDisk/SFS ]
You can't run configure from a Windows (or DOS) command prompt.
If you're using MinGW you should try installing MSYS (download here) and using the included shell to run it.
i did do that which is an equvilant of cywin configure runs but it gets an error
aka different problem?
can some1 plz help me
.................................. um what should i put here .............................?..........................................
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i downloaded the gcc soures from the MinGW site is that that a problem?
i downloaded
binuntils.(add lots of numbers her).src
gcc_core.src or somthing like that and the g++ src
.................................. um what should i put here .............................?..........................................
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.................................. um what should i put here .............................?..........................................
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HJED wrote:arn`t those for linux?
becouse i am using widows
Source is platform independent... If you're using Cygwin (mingw has some issues with osdev) then you can build and run programs that are made to run on *nix systems anyway - I know because I run squidGuard without any problems and I built that from source .
sh: .:/usr/local/bin:/mingw/bin:/bin:/c/Windows/system32:/c/Windows:/c/Windows/System32/Wbem:/c/Program: No such file or directory
what am i doing wrong this time y can`t it find my compiler?
PS i am using MSYS as a comandline and MinGW as my compiler set
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