i need criticism and also help :)
i need criticism and also help :)
i am a newbie and i am trying to learn osdev. i read many tutorials and now i'm dealing with a tutorial which i downloaded from http://my.execpc.com/~geezer/osd/. i need some help.
first of all, i want to learn floppy drivers. i read all tutorials in this forum but actually i could not apply them into my os trial. i'm stacked... i think my problem is about interrupts. also, i should add that i'm in protected mode.
this is my os, also included a floppy img. pls just look at my os trial and criticize me. am i doing write..?
http://code.google.com/p/froceos/downlo ... z&can=2&q=
i am a newbie and i am trying to learn osdev. i read many tutorials and now i'm dealing with a tutorial which i downloaded from http://my.execpc.com/~geezer/osd/. i need some help.
first of all, i want to learn floppy drivers. i read all tutorials in this forum but actually i could not apply them into my os trial. i'm stacked... i think my problem is about interrupts. also, i should add that i'm in protected mode.
this is my os, also included a floppy img. pls just look at my os trial and criticize me. am i doing write..?
http://code.google.com/p/froceos/downlo ... z&can=2&q=
i'm trying to setup my floppy driver but my kernel gives an error when i try to access the floppy... i could not find the problem... pls help?
This is the floppy driver(from limonos)
this is my code to set dma
this is my main.c
This is the floppy driver(from limonos)
Code: Select all
* los/drivers/floppy/floppy.c
* Copyright (C) 2007 Andrew Davis
/* I know, I know, this code is strategically uncommented so google
code searchers can't find errors: HACK FIX ME EXPLOIT !!! */
void set_dma(unsigned char *buff, short size, int read, int channel);
#include <_krnl.h> /* regs_t */
#include <x86.h>
#include <force/floppy3.h>
#include <funcs.h>
#include <string.h> /* memcpy(), memsetw() */
#define error 1
int first;
int second;
int current_track = -1;
short base_used;
volatile int irq6_state = 0;
int motor_on = 0;
int sr0 = 0;
char *floppy_types[] =
"360kB 5.25: Unsupported.",
"1.2MB 5.25: Unsupported.",
"720KB 3.5: Unsupported.",
"1.44MB 3.5.",
"2.88MB 3.5: Unsupported."
void get_floppy_type()
unsigned char data;
outportb(0x70, 0x10);
data = inportb(0x71);
first = data >> 4;
second = data & 0xF;
void irq6_handler(void)
irq6_state = 1;
kprintf("\nirq geldi");
void wait_irq6()
while(irq6_state == 0);
irq6_state = 0;
void start_motor()
outportb((base_used + 0x2), 0x1C);
motor_on = 1;
void stop_motor()
outportb((base_used + 0x2), 0x00);
motor_on = 0;
/* from intel manual */
void sendbyte(char byte)
volatile int msr;
int tmo;
for(tmo = 0; tmo < 128; tmo++)
msr = inportb((base_used + 0x04));
if ((msr & 0xC0) == 0x80)
outportb((base_used + 0x05), byte);
/* from intel manual */
int getbyte()
volatile int msr;
int tmo;
for (tmo = 0; tmo < 128; tmo++)
msr = inportb((base_used + 0x04));
if ((msr & 0xd0) == 0xd0)
return inportb((base_used + 0x05));
return -1;
void waitfdc()
kprintf("\nirq bekler");
//kprintf("Now Recalibrate(1a)");
//kprintf("Now Recalibrate(1b)");
sr0 = getbyte();
//kprintf("Now Recalibrate(1c)");
//kprintf("Now Recalibrate(1d)");
int fdc_seek(char track)
if(current_track == track)
return 0;
if(sr0 != 0x20)
kprintf("\nTrack seek error");
return error;
current_track = track;
return 0;
void fdc_recalibrate()
void fdc_reset()
outportb((base_used + 0x02), 0); // stop everything
motor_on = 0;
outportb((base_used + 0x04), 0); // data rate (500K/s)
outportb((base_used + 0x02), 0x0C); // restart ints
//kprintf("Now Recalibrate(1)");
// delay(500);
//kprintf("Now Recalibrate(2)");
sendbyte(0x03); // timing
sendbyte(0xDF); // timing
sendbyte(0x02); // timing
//kprintf("Now Recalibrate()");
while(fdc_seek(1) == error); // set track
void init_floppy()
base_used = 0x3F0;
void floppy_ident()
kprintf("\nAndrew Davis Floppy Driver initalized\n");
kprintf("_First Floppy: %s\n",floppy_types[first]);
kprintf("_Second Floppy: %s\n",floppy_types[second]);
void floppy_read_sectors(unsigned char *buf, int pos, int count)
int sec, cyl, head, max_pos = pos + count;
for(; pos < max_pos; pos++)
sec = (pos % 18) + 1;
cyl = pos / 36;
head = (pos / 18) % 2;
outportb((base_used + 0x7), 0);
while(fdc_seek((char)cyl) == error);
set_dma(0x00000000, 512, 0, 2);
// if(inportb(base_used + 0x4) != 0x80)
// {
// puts("The DMA bit wasn't set\n");
//// stop_motor();
// return;
// }
sendbyte((unsigned char)head << 2);
sendbyte((unsigned char)cyl);
sendbyte((unsigned char)head);
sendbyte((unsigned char)sec);
memcpy((unsigned int *)buf, (unsigned int *)0x00000000, 128);
buf += 0x200;
void floppy_write_sector(unsigned char *buf, int pos, int read)
int sec, cyl, head, stat = error;
sec = (pos % 18) + 1;
cyl = (pos / 18) / 2;
head = cyl % 2;
outportb((base_used + 0x7), 0);
while(stat == error)
stat = fdc_seek((char)cyl);
set_dma(buf, 512, 1, 2);
if(inportb(base_used + 0x4) != 0x80)
kprintf("\nThe DMA bit wasn't set");
sendbyte((unsigned char)head << 2);
sendbyte((unsigned char)cyl);
sendbyte((unsigned char)head);
sendbyte((unsigned char)sec);
Code: Select all
* los/drivers/dma/dma.c
* Copyright (C) 2005 Andrew Davis
#include <x86.h>
// put in header later
#define LOW_BYTE(x) (x & 0x00FF)
#define HI_BYTE(x) ((x & 0xFF00) >> 8)
// the folowing is a simple look up table for channel and its ports
unsigned char maskport[8] = { 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0xD4, 0xD4, 0xD4, 0xD4 };
unsigned char modeport[8] = { 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6 };
unsigned char clearport[8] = { 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xD8 };
unsigned char pageport[8] = { 0x87, 0x83, 0x81, 0x82, 0x8F, 0x8B, 0x89, 0x8A };
unsigned char addrport[8] = { 0x00, 0x02, 0x04, 0x06, 0xC0, 0xC4, 0xC8, 0xCC };
unsigned char countport[8] = { 0x01, 0x03, 0x05, 0x07, 0xC2, 0xC6, 0xCA, 0xCE };
// dma xfer for floppy
void set_dma(unsigned char *buff, short size, int read, int channel)
char page = 0;
char mode = 0;
short offset = 0;
mode = 0x48 + (char)channel;
mode = 0x44 + (char)channel;
page = (char)((int)buff >> 16);
offset = (short)((int)buff & 0xFFFF);
outportb(maskport[channel], (0x04 | channel)); // mask channel
outportb(clearport[channel], 0x00); // stop trans
outportb(modeport[channel], mode); // type of trans
outportb(addrport[channel], LOW_BYTE(offset)); // send address
outportb(addrport[channel], HI_BYTE(offset)); // send address
outportb(pageport[channel], page); // send page
outportb(countport[channel], LOW_BYTE(size)); // send size
outportb(countport[channel], HI_BYTE(size)); // send size
outportb(maskport[channel], channel); // unmask channel
Code: Select all
void kprintf(const char *fmt, ...);
int main(void);
#include <stdarg.h> /* va_list, va_start(), va_end() */
#include <string.h> /* NULL */
#include <x86.h> /* disable() */
#include <_printf.h> /* do_printf() */
#include <grub.h>
#include <stringp.h>
#include <_krnl.h> /* regs_t */
#include <funcs.h>
#include <force/floppy3.h>
//#include <asm/main_asm.h>
//from me
void irq_remap(void);
void floppy_irq();
from KSTART.ASM */
void getvect(vector_t *v, unsigned vect_num);
void setvect(vector_t *v, unsigned vect_num);
void floppy_detect_drives(void);
/* from VIDEO.C */
extern console_t _vc[];
void change_color(int color);
void timer_irq(void);
void putch(unsigned c);
void init_video(void);
/* from KBD.C */
void keyboard_irq(void);
int init_keyboard(void);
/* from SCHED.C */
void schedule(void);
void init_tasks(void);
/* from DEBUG.C */
void dump_regs(regs_t *regs);
static int kprintf_help(unsigned c, void **ptr)
return 0;
void kprintf(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
(void)do_printf(fmt, args, kprintf_help, NULL);
void panic(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
disable(); /* interrupts off */
va_start(args, fmt);
(void)do_printf(fmt, args, kprintf_help, NULL);
/* freeze */;
void floppy_irq()
outportb(0x20, 0x20);
void fault(regs_t *regs)
static const char * const msg[] =
"divide error", "debug exception", "NMI", "INT3",
"INTO", "BOUND exception", "invalid opcode", "no coprocessor",
"double fault", "coprocessor segment overrun",
"bad TSS", "segment not present",
"stack fault", "GPF", "page fault", "??",
"coprocessor error", "alignment check", "??", "??",
"??", "??", "??", "??",
"??", "??", "??", "??",
"??", "??", "??", "??",
"IRQ0", "IRQ1", "IRQ2", "IRQ3",
"IRQ4", "IRQ5", "IRQ6", "IRQ7",
"IRQ8", "IRQ9", "IRQ10", "IRQ11",
"IRQ12", "IRQ13", "IRQ14", "IRQ15",
case 0x20: /* timer IRQ 0 */
/* reset hardware interrupt at 8259 chip */
outportb(0x20, 0x20);
/* floppy (IRQ 6) */
case 0x26:
outportb(0x20, 0x20);
case 0x21:
kprintf("\n Interrupt 0x21");
outportb(0x20, 0x20);
kprintf("Exception #%u", regs->which_int);
if(regs->which_int <= sizeof(msg) / sizeof(msg[0]))
kprintf(" (%s)", msg[regs->which_int]);
panic("Goodbye (system halted, use reset button to end)");
void irq_remap(void)
outportb(0x20, 0x11);
outportb(0xA0, 0x11);
outportb(0x21, 0x20);
outportb(0xA1, 0x28);
outportb(0x21, 0x04);
outportb(0xA1, 0x02);
outportb(0x21, 0x01);
outportb(0xA1, 0x01);
outportb(0x21, 0x0);
outportb(0xA1, 0x0);
static void init_8259s(void)
//static const unsigned irq0_int = 0x20, irq8_int = 0x28;
/* Initialization Control Word #1 (ICW1) */
/* ICW2:
route IRQs 0-7 to INTs 20h-27h */
// outportb(0x21, irq0_int);
/* route IRQs 8-15 to INTs 28h-2Fh */
// outportb(0xA1, irq8_int);
/* ICW3 */
// outportb(0x21, 0x04);
// outportb(0xA1, 0x02);
/* ICW4 */
// outportb(0x21, 0x01);
// outportb(0xA1, 0x01);
/* enable IRQ0 (timer) and IRQ1 (keyboard) */
// outportb(0x21, ~0x03);
// outportb(0xA1, ~0x00);
for MinGW32
#ifdef __WIN32__
#if __GNUC__<3
#error Do not use MinGW GCC 2.x with NASM
int __main(void) { return 0; }
void _alloca(void) { }
int main(multiboot_info_t *boot_info)
vector_t v;
//vector_t v2;
kprintf("Loading kernel\n");
kprintf("Boot device:\t\t%d\n",boot_info->boot_device);
kprintf("Memory Map L:\t\t%d\n",boot_info->mmap_length);
kprintf("Memory Map Addr:\t%02X\n",boot_info->mmap_addr);
v.eip = (unsigned)keyboard_irq;
v.access_byte = 0x8E; /* present, ring 0, '386 interrupt gate */
//v2.eip = (unsigned)irq6_handler;
//v2.access_byte = 0x8E; /* present, ring 0, '386 interrupt gate */
//setvect(&v2, 0x26);
kprintf("Enabling hardware interrupts...\n");
setvect(&v, 0x21);
//Floppy drive detection...
if (init_keyboard())
kprintf("Keyboard initalized.\n");
kprintf("Keyboard interrupt handler initalized.\n");
/* we don't save the old vector */
unsigned char fbuff[2048] = " ";
floppy_read_sectors(fbuff,1, 1);
/* idle task/thread */
return 0;
- Attachments
- the screenshot of the error
- ss.png (16.19 KiB) Viewed 1996 times
Well it could be a number of things maybe you should use for( ;; ) loops to narrow the problem down. Of the things to look for are problems with your scheduler, stack corruption (make sure fbuff isn't corrupting the stack) and invalid IDT entries. It seems from the error output that somehow you are jumping to 0x00000000 and trying to execute code there until you hit an illegal operation.
i'm trying to jmp because in floppy3.c there is a linefrank wrote:. It seems from the error output that somehow you are jumping to 0x00000000 and trying to execute code there until you hit an illegal operation.
Code: Select all
set_dma(0x00000000, 512, 0, 2);
how can i check my stack?frank wrote: (make sure fbuff isn't corrupting the stack)
I was thinking more in terms of your scheduler, try disabling it (if you can) until you figure out the problem. That way you can rule the scheduler out. Also I would make sure that all my IDT entries pointed to valid locations in memory.trash_ wrote:i'm trying to jmp because in floppy3.c there is a linefrank wrote:. It seems from the error output that somehow you are jumping to 0x00000000 and trying to execute code there until you hit an illegal operation.. is there a problem? maybe my dma.c causes the problem.. it is also attached my previous post. one more thing that i should ask:Code: Select all
set_dma(0x00000000, 512, 0, 2);
I would move fbuff to a global variable and see if the problem continues. That way you know that it is not on the stack.trash_ wrote:how can i check my stack?frank wrote: (make sure fbuff isn't corrupting the stack)
Glad you found it.
I personally think it's odd that EIP was at address 0x4C. That would have been where I'd have checked first. May I ask how you managed to get a debug output from Qemu?
That would be immensely useful to me.
I personally think it's odd that EIP was at address 0x4C. That would have been where I'd have checked first. May I ask how you managed to get a debug output from Qemu?
That would be immensely useful to me.
There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.
- C. A. R. Hoare
- C. A. R. Hoare
crap, because I'm actually developing it on windows after an emerge --sync && emerge -uD world somehow managed to bugger up some library critical to SciTE and firefox on my Gentoo partition.
I tend to be lazy and just wait for the day these things fix themselves. Usually takes about two weeks, and only has happened 3 or 4 times in a couple years.
Can't complain about it though, 'cause I get the latest software automatically updated and compiled to my system configuration while I sleep (when it *is* working)
: p
ooo ooo! Wait!
Doesn't Qemu use the Bochs BIOS image? Doesn't that mean I can use the bochs debugger if I trigger it right?
never mind... bloody thing has no good way of dumping the registers when it crashes. : (
I tend to be lazy and just wait for the day these things fix themselves. Usually takes about two weeks, and only has happened 3 or 4 times in a couple years.
Can't complain about it though, 'cause I get the latest software automatically updated and compiled to my system configuration while I sleep (when it *is* working)
: p
ooo ooo! Wait!
Doesn't Qemu use the Bochs BIOS image? Doesn't that mean I can use the bochs debugger if I trigger it right?
never mind... bloody thing has no good way of dumping the registers when it crashes. : (
There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.
- C. A. R. Hoare
- C. A. R. Hoare