What is the problem with following boot loader code ??

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What is the problem with following boot loader code ??

Post by wah_java »

When executed with bochs-2.1.1, the bochs rebooted while switching to protected mode.
What is the problem with the following code ?
;***********Boot Loader************

; This loader
;       o will load the 2 Sector (1024 bytes) kernel in the memory
;       o switches to protected mode
;       o jump to the kernel

org 0x7c00

; setting the stack for loading the program

xor ax, ax ; first we will set up the stack
    mov ss,ax
mov sp, 0xffff

mov [bootdrv], dl ; dl contains the bootdisk name ie; dl = 0 if floppy a:\

call load ; function to load the kernel from disk into memory

mov si, msgloadsuccess
call putstr

    mov ax, 0h
    int 16h
;    jmp init

cli ; no interrupts allowed !

; first we move the system to it's rightful place

mov ax,0x0000
cld ; 'direction'=0, movs moves forward
mov es,ax ; destination segment
add ax,0x1000
cmp ax,0x9000
jz end_move
mov ds,ax ; source segment
sub di,di
sub si,si
mov cx,0x8000
jmp do_move

; then we load the segment descriptors


    lgdt    [gdtr]        ; load gdt with whatever appropriate

; Load the GDTR with the base address and limit of the GDT.

    lgdt [gdtr]

    mov si, msgloadgdt
    call putstr

    mov ax, 0h
    int 16h

; Set the PE [protected mode enable] bit in register CR0 to begin the
; switch to protected mode.
    mov eax,cr0
    or al,1
    mov cr0,eax
    jmp 08h:init

; loader variables

bootdrv db 0
msgresetfail db 'Disk Reset Failure!', 13, 10, 0
msgresetsuccess db 'Disk reset success...', 13, 10, 0
msgkernelload db 'Loading kernel...', 13, 10, 0
msgloadsuccess db 'Kernel loaded successfully...', 13, 10, 0
msgprot         db 'We are in protected mode...', 13, 10, 0
msgloadgdt db 'GDT Loaded...', 13, 10, 0

msghang db '.', 0


; we have to reset the disk before it move to the loaded program
; say our real program is stored in sector 2
; let's load it

push ds ; reset disk system
mov ax, 0 ; forces controller to recalibrate drive heads (seek to track 0)
mov dl, [bootdrv]
int 13h
pop ds
jc resetfail

mov si, msgresetsuccess
call putstr

    xor ax,ax    ; loads sector into memory
mov es,ax
mov ah,2
    mov al,2    ; 2 Sector Kernel
mov dx,0
mov cx,2 ; ch = cylinder number and cl = sector number 1-63

    mov bx,7e00h    ; 7e00h = 7c00h + 512 ... loading my program here makes it easy for me
    int 13h

jc load ; if fail then try to load it again

mov si, msgkernelload
call putstr



mov si, msgresetfail
call putstr

or al,al
jz short putstrd
mov ah,0x0E
mov bx,0x0007
int 0x10
jmp putstr

    dw     end-gdt-1
    dd     gdt

dw 0,0,0,0 ; dummy

    dw  0xffFF      ; ffffh limit
    dw  0x0000      ; base address 0
    dw  0x9A00      ; Execute/Read Code Segment
    dw  0x00C0      

    dw  0xffFF      ; ffffh limit
    dw  0x0000      ; Base Address 0
    dw  0x9200      ; R/W Data Segment
    dw  0x00C0    

;hangs if kernel not loaded
mov si, msghang
call putstr
jmp oops


bits 32


    jmp 0x07e00 ; Jump to the kernel @ 7e00h = 7c00h + 512

times 510-($-$$) db 90 ; Filling the remaining free space in the sector
dw 0AA55h
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