using freepascal for osdev
using freepascal for osdev
due to my GCC woes i would like to use freepascal for os dev but my killer question is... how? from the ide i can choose many target platforms but raw binary is not one of them.
it is easy.
You be able compiller to ELF, or Object File.
And use linker to get bin file.
For example.
fpc -Rintel kernel.pas
ld -o "kernel.bin" kernel.o
objcopy.exe -O binary "kernel.bin"
Last comand used for convert from PE to Binary.
I not used options "ld --oformat binary"
because windows ld have bug.
You be able compiller to ELF, or Object File.
And use linker to get bin file.
For example.
fpc -Rintel kernel.pas
ld -o "kernel.bin" kernel.o
objcopy.exe -O binary "kernel.bin"
Last comand used for convert from PE to Binary.
I not used options "ld --oformat binary"
because windows ld have bug.
Sorry, my bed english. =)