Interrupts always disabled? I think you mean hw interrupts, right?
If yes, well... if it's interrupt from 0x0-0x12, then yes (these are usually CPU exceptions).
But like if its 0x30 and you've got an custom interrupt handler for it, like your OS main functions (DOS = 0x21, Linux = 0x80), STI should be right before your OS main interrupt will try to access hardware (like: if you got a keyboard driver, and INT 0x30 along with AX=0100h or something like that [it can be everything] will wait for a keypress, missing STI before the, say "call waitforkeypress" will halt the system, because CPU willn't get any hardware interrupt from keyboard).
Traps? If thats name for the Screen-Of-Death handler, then yes, but only if your xSOD handler aren't working with hardware and waiting for hw interrupt (if it does, STI before the main call).
An example of xSOD handler that is waiting for a interrupt is, "Press ENTER to resume your work" or something like that, like hard disk interrupt, floppy interrupt etc.