Hello... I am from Argentina, so I am sorry for my bad english.
I wrote this topic because I would like to write a procedure to write to screen and to get keys from the keyboard, and I want to do it in 16 bits mode . RealMode...
I know that the video address is 0xb800 for Protected Mode, but for Real Mode, I need a segment and an offset.. How can I convert 0xb800 to RealMode?
I read "http://www.osdev.org/wiki/Babystep4" but I can't understand thing such as movzx, shl....
Programming without BIOS
This is useally the other way round, as in people ask how to do some thing in pmode, as they are use to realmode.
First "video address" is 0xb8000 for Protected Mode, as for realmode text in realmode without bios, Some thing like this
Note the spaces need to be in the above text
First "video address" is 0xb8000 for Protected Mode, as for realmode text in realmode without bios, Some thing like this
Code: Select all
mov ax,0xB800
mov es,ax
lea si,[msg]
mov cx,22
rep movsb
jmp $
msg0: db "H e l l o W o r l d "
Code: Select all
xor eax,eax
in AL,60h
cmp al,0x50 ;< scan code
jne NoKey
;do something here