Well, I can't work out what I've lost you on, so I'll just post my code
Code: Select all
[GLOBAL fastSyscall]
mov ecx, ebp ; Current stack frame start.
mov ebx, ebp ; ebx = stack frame size
sub ebx, esp ; = (ebp-esp)
mov eax, .syscall_end ; eax = EIP to return to.
sysenter ; Make syscall.
; Takes one argument - esp0 - the start (upper limit) of the kernel stack.
[GLOBAL fastSysexit]
mov esp, [esp-4] ; Dereference parameter - esp = *(esp0) - go back to the
; beginning of our stack frame and dereference what we
; find, which will be the esp pushed in the handler.
pop ebp ; Return ebp to what it was before we were called.
pop edx ; EDX = EIP return pointer
mov ecx, esp ; Return ESP
jmp $
[GLOBAL fastSyscallHandler]
push ecx ; Push the old stack pointer on the new stack.
mov esi, 0x20
add ecx, 0x20
.loop: ; copy some of the stack before the stack frame base
mov edx, [ecx] ; to make sure we copy any arguments passed to the
mov [esp], edx ; function.
sub esp, 0x4
sub ecx, 0x4
sub esi, 0x4
jnz .loop
mov ebp, esp ; Set up our new base pointer
mov edx, ebx ; store the frame size.
mov ebx, ebp ; EBX = stack base ptr -stack frame size.
sub ebx, edx ; do the subtraction.
mov edx, [ecx] ; Copy [ecx] to [esp] ( copying stack frame to kernelspace )
mov [esp], edx
sub esp, 0x4 ; Next word, working down the stack.
sub ecx, 0x4 ; Next work, working down the stack.
cmp esp, ebx ; do while esp < frame size + base ptr
jnz .loop2
mov edx, [ecx] ; copy one more.
mov [esp], edx
jmp eax
Code: Select all
class C
int a_member_func(int a)
This way you can call a class' member function from user space or kernel space
transparently. Because the ring-change-if-nessecary code is inside the member function, you can be in ring0 or ring3 and call the same function with the same semantics. It looks cleaner.
It is also not member-function specific, it can be used in __cdecl functions, where your method (pushing the this pointer and dereferencing the vtable) can't. It's just a design decision I made. I really value your input though, I debated it a lot in my head before I decided on anything.