according to my linker callLinker wrote: c:/djgpp/bin/ld.exe: section .data [00100400 -> 001013ff] overlaps section .text [00100000 -> 0010072f]
ostest.o(.text+0x2d): undefined reference to `main'
scrn.o(.text+0xef):scrn.c: undefined reference to `memcpy'
scrn.o(.text+0x108):scrn.c: undefined reference to `memsetw'
scrn.o(.text+0x136):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
scrn.o(.text+0x147):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
scrn.o(.text+0x156):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
scrn.o(.text+0x16a):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
scrn.o(.text+0x1b9):scrn.c: undefined reference to `memcpy'
scrn.o(.text+0x1d2):scrn.c: undefined reference to `memsetw'
scrn.o(.text+0x208):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
scrn.o(.text+0x219):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
scrn.o(.text+0x228):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
scrn.o(.text+0x23c):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
scrn.o(.text+0x276):scrn.c: undefined reference to `memsetw'
scrn.o(.text+0x2a8):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
scrn.o(.text+0x2b7):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
scrn.o(.text+0x2c6):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
scrn.o(.text+0x2d5):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
scrn.o(.text+0x30a):scrn.c: undefined reference to `strlen'
scrn.o(.text+0x378):scrn.c: undefined reference to `memsetw'
scrn.o(.text+0x3aa):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
scrn.o(.text+0x3b9):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
scrn.o(.text+0x3c8):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
scrn.o(.text+0x3d7):scrn.c: undefined reference to `outportb'
C:\djgpp\bin\ld.exe link.ld -o main.o ostest.o scrn.o
main.o is the first object to be linked. When it gets to scrn.o it created the errors seen above. Can anyone tell me what i've done wrong? and btw, what does the linker do anyway (for this)?