I'm still working on a Pascal Operating System. Yes, I'm not letting go of Pascal... Anyways, I'm having trouble writing a sector to a floppy using inline assembly using Turbo Pascal 6.
Code: Select all
... Pascal Stuff ...
mov DX, 0100h
mov CX, 0000h
mov AX, DS
mov ES, AX
mov AX, 0301h
mov BX, offset sector
int 13h
The code above works in Bochs, with no problem. I've made another function that will read the sector and display the first 4 bytes of it to the screen to test it.
However, when I actually boot the computer with the floppy, it boots to it, does its little pascal code and then I can hear the floppy drive spinning but when it goes to show the four bytes, it gives me 0000.
Whats the difference from Bochs and the real computer? Can I change something in my code for it to work? I'm just starting to get to know assembly.
Heres a post from me on another forum (where you can find full code on the second page)
http://www.codeguru.com/forum/showthrea ... 742&page=1