crazy problem with 2nd stage loader [SOLVED]

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crazy problem with 2nd stage loader [SOLVED]

Post by bsunisol »

i am workin on a 2nd stage loader. it have nothing
else to do then to load the kernel in the memory
above the 1mb mark. Its just looking up for the
"SYSTEM" folder and then searches there for the
"KERNEL.BIN". Till now everything's allright.
But when it has found the kernel it should load
it sector by sector to the buffer und switch in
pmode and copy it to the exact position. but when
i try to load the first sektor of the kernel it causes
errors. everytime i emulate it with bochs says
somthin else.

:arrow: its in section: '; --- Datei "KERNEL.BIN" laden -----'

got anyone an idea??


heres my code:

Code: Select all

; ### DISCRIPTION ############################################################
; ###
; ### Version list
; ### ver 1.0:
; ###   Sucht den Kernel auf einer FAT12 Diskette und lädt ihn in den
; ###   Speicher. Wenn kein Kernel gefunden wird, wird eine Fehler-
; ###   meldung ausgegeben.
; ###   Überschreibt den Bootloader damit alles möglichts simpel gehalten
; ###   werden kann.
; ###   Der Osloader ist mit standard C-Calling geschrieben.
; ###   Alle Segment- und Offsetadresse sind wie folgt: 0000:XXXX.
; ###
; ### written by Robert H.
; ### Copyright (c) 2007
; ###
; ### DISCRIPTION END ########################################################

; ### MACRO SECTION ##########################################################

%include "../PRJ/SRC/includes/macros.asm"

; ### MACRO SECTION END ######################################################

; ### COMPILER SECTION #######################################################

[ORG 0x0500]
[BITS 16]
[CPU 386]

; ### COMPILER SECTION END ###################################################

; ### CODE SECTION ###########################################################


;	push	dword 4000
;	push	dword 0xB8000
;	push	dword GUI
;	call	_memcpy
;	add	sp, 12
;	hlt

	mov	cx, 1000
	mov	ax, 0xB800
	mov	es, ax
	xor	ax, ax
	mov	di, ax
	mov	eax, 0x07000700
	rep	stosd

	push	0
	push	0
	call	_gotoxy
	add	sp, 4

	push	MsgWellcome
	call	_write
	add	sp, 2

; --- Stack zurücksetzen -----------------------------------------------------

	mov	ax, 0x9000
	mov	ss, ax
	mov	sp, 0xFFFF

; --- A20 Gate aufmachen -----------------------------------------------------


	in	al, 0x64
	test	al, 00000010b
	jnz	A20Gate				; Schleife bis Buffer leer

	mov	al, 0xD0
	out	0x64, al			; schicke Lesebefehl

	wait_1:	in	al, 0x64
	test	al, 00000001b
	jz	wait_1				; warten

	in	al, 0x60
	or	al, 00000010b
	mov	bl, al				; sezte A20, speichern in BX

	wait_2:	in	al, 0x64
	test	al, 00000010b
	jnz	wait_2				; Schleife bis Buffer leer

	mov	al, 0xD1
	out	0x64, al			; schicke Lesebefehl

	wait_3:	in	al, 0x64
	test	al, 00000010b
	jnz	wait_3				; Schleife bis Buffer leer

	mov	al, bl
	out	0x60, al			; A20 an Controller senden

; --- Speichermap erstellen --------------------------------------------------


	xor	eax, eax
	mov	ds, ax
	mov	ah, 0xC7
	int	15h

	jc	GetMemErr
	jmp	GetMemNoErr

	push	MsgMemErr
	call	_write
	add	sp, 2


; --- GDT/IDT erstellen ------------------------------------------------------


	mov	ax, 0xFFFF
	mov	fs, ax
	mov	di, 0x0010

	mov	[fs:di   ], word 0x00		; DESC_0
	mov	[fs:di+ 2], word 0x00
	mov	[fs:di+ 4], word 0x00
	mov	[fs:di+ 6], word 0x00

	mov	[fs:di+ 8], word 0xFFFF		; DESC_1 (CODE)
	mov	[fs:di+10], word 0x0000
	mov	[fs:di+12], byte 0x00
	mov	[fs:di+13], byte 0x9A
	mov	[fs:di+14], byte 0xCF
	mov	[fs:di+15], byte 0x00

	mov	[fs:di+16], word 0xFFFF		; DESC_2 (DATA)
	mov	[fs:di+18], word 0x0000
	mov	[fs:di+20], byte 0x00
	mov	[fs:di+21], byte 0x92
	mov	[fs:di+22], byte 0xCF
	mov	[fs:di+23], byte 0x00

	mov	[GDT_REGISTER  ],  word 0xFFFF
	mov	[GDT_REGISTER+2], dword 0x100000
	mov	[IDT_REGISTER  ],  word 0xFFFF
	mov	[IDT_REGISTER+2], dword 0x110000


; --- FDD reseten ------------------------------------------------------------

	push	MsgLoading
	call	_write
	add	sp, 2


	xor	dx, dx
	mov	dl, [BOOT_DRIVE]

	test	dh, 0x20			; test if drive supports 13h
	jnz	readerror

	push	ds
	xor	ax, ax
	int	13h
	pop	ds
	jc	readerror			; Fehler

; --- FAT_ROOT einelsen ------------------------------------------------------


	push	word READ_BUFFER		; Speicher
	push	word 0x000E			; Länge
	push	word 0x0013			; Start
	call	_lsn_read
	add	sp, 6

; --- Ordner "SYSTEM" suchen -------------------------------------------------

	mov	cx, FAT_RootEntCnt		; Anzahl der einträge im Root
	mov	ax, READ_BUFFER			; DS:SI => Verz. Name im
	xor	bx, bx				;          Root
	mov	ds, bx				; ES:DI => Verz. Name aus
	mov	es, bx				;          Variable

	push	cx
	mov	cl, DIR_NAME_SIZE
	mov	si, ax				; Name aus Root
	mov	di, DirName			; Name aus Variable
	repe	cmpsb
	jz	read_system_folder		; Verz gefunden, Datei suchen
	pop	cx
	loop	read_root_ent

	or	cx, cx				; Verz. nicht gefunden
	jz	booterror

; --- Startektor für "SYSTEM" errechnen --------------------------------------

	add	si, 0x0F			; [DS:SI] => DIR_FstClusLo
	mov	ax, word [es:si]
	mov	word [FILE_START_SEC], ax

	push	MsgDirFound
	call	_write
	add	sp, 2

; --- Fat laden --------------------------------------------------------------

	push	FAT_FATSize
	push	FAT_ResvdSecCnt
	call	_lsn_read
	add	sp, 6

; --- Datei "KERNEL.BIN" in "SYSTEM" suchen ----------------------------------

	mov	byte [LAST_SEC], 0x00

	mov	ax, [FILE_START_SEC]		; FileSec laden
	add	ax, 0x1F			; 31 als ausgleich addieren

	push	ROOT_BUFFER			; RootDirSector vom
	push	0x01				; Verz. System einlesen
	push	ax				; FileSec
	call	_lsn_read
	add	sp, 6

	mov	ax, ROOT_BUFFER
	mov	cx, 0x10			; pro Sektor 16 Einträge
	push	cx
	mov	cl, DIR_NAME_SIZE
	mov	si, ax				; Name aus Root
	mov	di, FileName			; Name aus Variable
	repe	cmpsb
	jz	read_file			; Datei gefunden -> Laden
	pop	cx
	loop	read_system_ent

;	mov	al, byte [LAST_SEC]		; letzter Sektor?
;	or	al, al				; ja? -> kein Kernel
;	jnz	booterror

; --- Nächsten Sektor vom "SYSTEM"-Root laden --------------------------------

	mov	ax, word [FILE_START_SEC]
	mov	bx, 0x03
	mul	bx
	mov	bx, 0x02
	xor	dx, dx
	div	bx				; ax = offset dx = shifting

	mov	bx, READ_BUFFER
	add	bx, ax

	mov	ax, [ES:BX]

	cmp	dx, 0x01			; dx=1 -> shr 4
	je	shift				; dx=0 -> AND 0x0FFF

	and	ax, 0x0FFF
	jmp	cont
shift:	shr	ax, 0x04

cont:	cmp	ax, 0x0FFF
	jne	next
	mov	byte [LAST_SEC], 0x01		; OK - letzter Sektor.
	jmp	read_next_sec			; durchsuchen

next:	mov	word [FILE_START_SEC], ax	; store the new sector
	jmp	read_next_sec			; for the next loop

; --- Startektor für "KERNEL.BIN" errechnen ----------------------------------

	add	si, 0x0F			; [DS:SI] => DIR_FstClusLo
	mov	ax, word [es:si]
	mov	word [FILE_START_SEC], ax

	mov	dword [SECTOR_COUNTER], 0x00

	push	MsgFileFound
	call	_write
	add	sp, 2

; --- Datei "KERNEL.BIN" laden -----------------------------------------------


	mov	ax, word [FILE_START_SEC]	; FileSec laden
	add	ax, 0x1F			; 31 als ausgleich addieren

;;;; !!!!!!!!! HERE !!!!!!!!!!
;;;; when it reaches INT 13 its over
;;;; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	push	KERNEL_BUFFER		 	; Sektor in Buffer laden
	push	0x01
	push	ax				; Sektor
	call	_lsn_read
	add	sp, 6

; --- Protected Mode einschalten zum kopieren --------------------------------

	call	HALT

	push	sp
	push	ds
	push	cs
	push	ss
	push	es
	push	fs
	push	gs


	mov	eax, cr0
	or	eax, 0000001b
	mov	cr0, eax

	jmp	dword CODE_DESC:pmode_jmp
	[BITS 32]
	mov	ax, DATA_DESC
	mov	ds, ax
	mov	es, ax
	mov	ss, ax
	xor	ax, ax
	mov	fs, ax
	mov	gs, ax

	mov	eax, dword [SECTOR_COUNTER]	; Wdh. laden
	mov	ebx, 0x0200
	mul	ebx
	add	eax, KERNEL_HIMEM		; akt. Position berechnen

	push	0x0200
	push	eax
	call	_memcpy32			; Sektor verschieben
	add	esp, 12

	mov	eax, dword [SECTOR_COUNTER]	; Iterationsnr. sichern
	inc	eax
	mov	dword [SECTOR_COUNTER], eax

; --- Protected Mode ausschalten um nächsten Sektor zu laden -----------------

	push	eax
	mov	ax, 32
	mov	ds, ax
	mov	es, ax
	mov	ss, ax
	mov	eax, cr0
	and	al, 0xFE
	jmp	24:$+7

	[BITS 16]
	mov	cr0, eax
	jmp	0:$+5

	xor	ax, ax
	mov	ds, ax
	mov	es, ax
	mov	ss, ax
	pop	eax

	pop	gs
	pop	fs
	pop	es
	pop	ss
	pop	cs
	pop	ds
	pop	sp

; --- Nächsten Sektor berechnen ----------------------------------------------

	mov	ax, word [FILE_START_SEC]
	mov	bx, 0x03
	mul	bx
	mov	bx, 0x02
	xor	dx, dx
	div	bx				; ax = offset dx = shifting

	mov	bx, READ_BUFFER
	add	bx, ax

	mov	ax, [ES:BX]

	cmp	dx, 0x01			; dx=1 -> shr 4
	je	shift				; dx=0 -> AND 0x0FFF

	and	ax, 0x0FFF
	jmp	cont
fshift:	shr	ax, 0x04

fcont:	cmp	ax, 0x0FFF			; OK Fertig
	je	execute				; Kernelsprung vorbereiten

	mov	word [FILE_START_SEC], ax	; store the new sector
	jmp	read_next_file_sec		; for the next loop

; --- Protected Mode einschalten ---------------------------------------------


	push	MsgFileFound
	call	_write
	add	sp, 2

	pop	cx				; prüfen ob cx = 0
	or	cx, cx				; ja? -> kein kernel gefunden
	jnz	execute_1

	jmp	booterror


	mov	eax, cr0
	or	eax, 0000001b
	mov	cr0, eax

	jmp	dword CODE_DESC:exec_pm
	[BITS 32]
exec_pm:	mov	ax, DATA_DESC
	mov	ds, ax
	mov	es, ax
	mov	ss, ax
	xor	ax, ax
	mov	fs, ax
	mov	gs, ax
	mov	esp, 0x0009FFFF			; stack zurücksetzten
	jmp	dword CODE_DESC:KERNEL_HIMEM	; zum kernel springen

; --- Fehler ausgeben (Real Mode) --------------------------------------------

	[BITS 16]
	push	MsgBootError
	jmp	writeerr

	push	MsgReadError

	call	_write
	add	sp, 2

reboot:	push	MsgReboot
	call	_write
	add	sp, 2

	xor	ax, ax				; Reboot after keypress
	int	0x16

	db	0xEA
	dw	0x0000
	dw	0xFFFF

; ### CODE SECTION END #######################################################

; ### FUNCTIONS SECTION ######################################################

HALT:	push	MsgHalt
	call	_write


; --- _write -----------------------------------------------------------------
; -[ Param0 = String	]
[BITS 16]
	enter	0, 0

	xor	ax, ax
	mov	ds, ax
	mov	si, [Param0]
	mov	ah, 0x0E
	mov	bx, 0x0007
	test	al, 0xFF			; al AND 0xFF but no storage
	jz	__write_2
	int	10h
	jmp	__write_1
; --- _write END -------------------------------------------------------------

; --- _gotoxy ----------------------------------------------------------------
; -[ Param0 = Y		] [2]
; -[ Param1 = X		] [1]
[BITS 16]
	enter	0, 0

	xor	ax, ax
	mov	ah, 0x02
	xor	bx, bx

	mov	cx, [Param1]
	mov	dl, cl,
	mov	cx, [Param0]
	mov	dh, cl

	int	10h

; --- _gotoxy END ------------------------------------------------------------

; --- _lsn_read --------------------------------------------------------------
; -[ Param0 = LSN	] [3]
; -[ Param1 = nSectors	] [2]
; -[ Param2 = Buffer	] [1]
[BITS 16]
	enter 0, 0

	jmp	__lsn_read_code

	var0	db 0x00
	var1	db 0x00
	var2	db 0x00

	mov	ax, [Param0]			; LSN

	xor	dx, dx
	mov	bx, 0x12			; sector =
	div	bx				;          (LSN % 18)
	inc	dx				;                     + 1
	mov	byte [var2], dl			; var2 = sector
	xor	dx, dx
	mov	bx, 2				; head = (LSN / 18) % 2
	div	bx
	mov	byte [var1], dl			; var1 = head

	mov	ax, [Param0]			; LSN wiederherstellen
	mov	bx, 0x24			; cylinder = LSN / 36
	xor	dx, dx
	div	bx
	mov	byte [var0], al			; var0 = cylinder

;	mov	cx, 0x03			; 3 Leseversuche
;	or	cx, cx
;	jz	readerror
;	push	cx
	;push	dot
	;call	_write
	;add	sp, 2
	xor	bx, bx				; ES:BX Buffer
	mov	es, bx
	mov	bx, [Param2]

	mov	ax, [Param1]
	mov	ah, 0x02
	mov	ch, byte [var0]
	mov	cl, byte [var2]
	mov	dl, [BOOT_DRIVE]
	mov	dh, byte [var1]
	int	13h
;	jnc	__lsn_no_err
;	pop	cx
	jc	__lsn_read_err			; Fehler

; --- _lsn_read END ----------------------------------------------------------

; --- _memcpy ----------------------------------------------------------------
; -[ Param0 = src	] [3]
; -[ Param1 = dest	] [2]
; -[ Param2 = count	] [1]
[BITS 16]
	enter 0, 0

	mov	esi, dword [Param320]		; Quelladresse nach ESI
	mov	edi, dword [Param321]		; Zieladresse nach EDI
	mov	ecx, dword [Param322]		; Anzahl Bytes nach ECX
	mov	edx, ecx			; ECX nach EDX kopieren
	and	ecx, 0xFFFFFFFC			; Ersten beiden Bits in ECX löschen
						; Ergibt durch 4 teilbare Zahl

	shr	ecx, 2				; ECX durch 4 dividieren
	rep	a32 movsd			; DWORDS kopieren
	mov	ecx, edx			; EDX wieder nach ECX kopieren
	and	ecx, 3				; Alle Bits bis auf ersten beiden löschen
	rep	a32 movsb			; BYTES kopieren

; --- _memcpy END ------------------------------------------------------------

; --- _memcpy32 --------------------------------------------------------------
; -[ Param0 = src	] [3]
; -[ Param1 = dest	] [2]
; -[ Param2 = count	] [1]
[BITS 32]
	enter 0, 0

	mov	esi, [Param320]			; Quelladresse nach ESI
	mov	edi, [Param321]			; Zieladresse nach EDI
	mov	ecx, [Param322]			; Anzahl Bytes nach ECX
	mov	edx, ecx				; ECX nach EDX kopieren
	and	ecx, 0xFFFFFFFC			; Ersten beiden Bits in ECX löschen
						; Ergibt durch 4 teilbare Zahl

	shr	ecx, 2				; ECX durch 4 dividieren
	rep	movsd				; DWORDS kopieren
	mov	ecx, edx				; EDX wieder nach ECX kopieren
	and	ecx, 3				; Alle Bits bis auf ersten beiden löschen
	rep	movsb				; BYTES kopieren

; --- _memcpy32 END ----------------------------------------------------------

; ### FUNCTIONS SECTION END ##################################################

; ### DATA SECTION ###########################################################

[BITS 16]

DirName		db "SYSTEM     "

FileName		db "KERNEL  BIN"

MsgWellcome	db "Bitte warten. Kernel wird initialisiert.",
		db 13, 10, 0

MsgLoading	db 13, 10, "Lade ", 0
MsgDirFound	db "/SYSTEM/", 0
MsgFileFound	db "KERNEL.BIN", 13 , 10, 0

MsgBootError	db 13, 10, "Fehler: Es wurde kein Kernel gefunden.",
		db 13, 10, 0

MsgReadError	db 13, 10, "Fehler: Fehler beim Lesen vom Laufwerk",
		db 13, 10,  0

MsgMemErr	db 13, 10, "Fehler: Beim ermitteln des installierten RAMs",
		db 13, 10, "        ist ein fehler aufgetreten.",
		db 13, 10, 0

MsgReboot	db "Neustart mit Tastendruck", 0
		db "SYSTEM ANGEHALTEN!", 13, 10, 0

MsgHalt		db "SYSTEM ANGEHALTEN!", 13, 10, 0
dot		db 0xDB, 0

GUI		db 0xC9,
		times 78 db 0xCD
		db 0xBB
			db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		times  2 db 0xBA
		times 78 db 0x20
		db  0xBA
		db 0xC8,
		times 78 db 0xCD
		db 0xBC, 0x00

; ### DATA SECTION END #######################################################
Last edited by bsunisol on Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by AJ »

It's a while since I have written any real mode code but I have a feeling that you may have to load the kernel below 1mb and then copy it to the 1mb mark.

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Post by bsunisol »

yes thats what iam doing.

the buffer is @0700:0000
and its then going to be copied to the 6mb mark.

but when i try to load the first filesector hes doing
this weird things.
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Post by Combuster »

everytime i emulate it with bochs says
somthin else.
how is bochs synchronized? you should have a clock line like one of the following:

Code: Select all

clock: sync=slowdown, time0=local
clock: sync=none, time0=local
which should result in consistent error messages (unless you are waiting for a keypress somewhere)

A bochs dump is still useful.
"Certainly avoid yourself. He is a newbie and might not realize it. You'll hate his code deeply a few years down the road." - Sortie
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Post by bsunisol »

thanks ive added that to my bochs file.

but its still not working.
i am not waiting for a keypress.
i want to read a sector from my fdd.
but the actual error-msg is:
00015600171-e-@0000ff54-[CPU0 ] IRET: top 6 bytes of stack not within stack limits
but that happens !!IN!! the int13 function. so ive no
control about that whats happening.

the weired thing about that is that ive read a few times
from the floppy with the same function. but now it
wont work. the lba address that i send to the
read function is correct.

i realy dont know how to go on............
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Post by Combuster »

I don't see any initialisation of SS/SP. Could you post its values before the code is run, before the failing call, and at the error? (or better, a full CPU dump)
Bochs' debugger is your friend.
"Certainly avoid yourself. He is a newbie and might not realize it. You'll hate his code deeply a few years down the road." - Sortie
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Post by bsunisol »

here it is
bochs.gif (9.97 KiB) Viewed 1411 times
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Post by Combuster »

Code: Select all

esp: 0xffe1
ss:  0x9000
Your stack is located in the bios area called the EBDA. This is bad practice since the bios keeps some of its data there.

What you are probably experiencing is your stack being trashed by the BIOS code. Find a more suitable place for the stack that does not overlap with reserved areas. Keeping clear of 0x80000-0x9ffff should keep you safe in virtually every set-up.

Also, your stack is unaligned. (it crosses a 2-byte boundary). Its not a serious problem but it is bad practice and eats away performance.
"Certainly avoid yourself. He is a newbie and might not realize it. You'll hate his code deeply a few years down the road." - Sortie
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Post by bsunisol »

no that was not the problem.

i stored the osloader @500
but the buffer for the kernel were @700.
but the osloader is bigger then 1 sektor. i fixed it.
now it works like it should.
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