Is down?
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 4:18 pm
Accessing http(s):// returns an error. Is it a temporary issue or is it dead?
The Place to Start for Operating System Developers
I'm going to be moving soon so I don't have time to give the site the attention it deserves, but anybody is welcome to the domain and the forum database if they're planning on bringing the site back up. Just PM me here.matt11235 wrote:Hi, I don't really have the time/money/experience to keep running properly, I wondered if you wanted me to transfer the domain to you?
It has ~4 months left before it needs renewing and it's registered with Namecheap, let me know if you want it
You must be joking if you think that people are going to do this. This isn't the 1970s.~ wrote:You could try accessing it with its more recent direct IP.
Add it to the hosts file.
matt11235 wrote:I sent this PM to Schol-R-LEA a couple of days ago:I'm going to be moving soon so I don't have time to give the site the attention it deserves, but anybody is welcome to the domain and the forum database if they're planning on bringing the site back up. Just PM me here.matt11235 wrote:Hi, I don't really have the time/money/experience to keep running properly, I wondered if you wanted me to transfer the domain to you?
It has ~4 months left before it needs renewing and it's registered with Namecheap, let me know if you want it
Thanks, I'll stop by to hack it once you've got it up and running.~ wrote:I'm interested in bringing the website contents up. I sent you a private message. I could set up if somebody else is interested in the domain name itself.