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Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 7:57 am
by jojo
Goddamn, Sik, I might just have to splurge on a flash cart for my Genesis just to check out your work.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:20 am
by osdever
glauxosdever wrote:Hi,

All of these screenshots make me want to stop any OS/language design I'm doing occasionally this period (apart from studying for final 3rd grade exams). I now want to work on the GUI!

You can get my graphical toolkit: it has alpha channel support, only a little bit of code to change for porting, by the way all U365 graphics is based on it. After porting Surface you can get STB_image and STB_truetype from my code and API for their usage with Surface, so you will get a lot of graphical functions and start to code a good-looking GUI with wallpaper and TrueType. There's a problem with perfomance now, but I work at that exactly now. I'll PM you when it'll be done, also I maybe write TTF text rendering (I have only one-line string rendering, this will support 1) newlines and tabulations, 2) text alignment by sides or center).

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:29 am
by glauxosdever

While I said that I want to work on the GUI, I didn't say that I will actually work on it. Overall OS and language design is far more important right now than the GUI.


Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:38 am
by osdever

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:40 am
by osdever
But when you will want it, you can write to me :-)

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:06 am
by Octacone
Started working on Basic OS Revision 3.
Things I have in plan for this release:
1. Make an awesome memory manager, both virtual and physical
2. Enter ring 3
3. Tackle system calls
4. Make an awesome structural design that supports "libraries"
5. Make my GUI concepts become true (make some fancy looking GUI)
6. Make some FAT32 stuff
7. Make some IDE stuff
8. Make some VFS stuff
Here it is: (not as fancy as revision 2 [it had some broken good looking GUI] but it is only like 3 days old)

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:18 am
by osdever
looks good! Can I download ISO or something?

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 2:30 pm
by Octacone
catnikita255 wrote:looks good! Can I download ISO or something?
Thanks!! At the moment there is no point of getting an ISO because it doesn't do anything fancy. As soon as there is something to show I will consider releasing a preview.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 7:32 pm
by Sik
jojo wrote:Goddamn, Sik, I might just have to splurge on a flash cart for my Genesis just to check out your work.
I didn't release anything yet though! I mean, there's literally just a moving cursor =/ (unless you want to try one of my games instead) Although if you do so you may need a Mega Everdrive since this thing will really need those 2MB of SRAM (and even then I may have to write code to explicitly save files to the SD card, although the RAM will still be useful for temporary files).
catnikita255 wrote:There's a problem with perfomance now, but I work at that exactly now.
Just to make it sure: you're rendering to RAM and not directly to the framebuffer, right? (I ask since the framebuffer will be on a much slower bus and a lot of people seem to make this mistake) If already so then nevermind what I said.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 5:50 am
by BrightLight
It doesn't look like much until you realize that the last last line "Hi!" is printed from ACPI AML code! :)
Which means I have (partial) support for AML OpRegions. :)
acpi aml.png

Code: Select all

		// Serial Port
		OperationRegion(SERL, SystemIO, 0x3F8, 1)
		Field(SERL, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
			COMB, 8

		// Screen Framebuffer (QEMU ONLY!!)
		OperationRegion(SCRN, SystemMemory, 0xFD024040, 12)
		Field(SCRN, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
			TST1, 32,

		// Test Method -- This should write "Hi!" to the serial port
		// And put a white pixel near the top-left of the screen
		// The pixel part only works in QEMU because hard-coded framebuffer address
		Method(WRTT, 0, Serialized)
			COMB = 0x48	// 'H'
			COMB = 0x69	// 'i'
			COMB = 0x21	// '!'
			COMB = 13	// '\c'
			COMB = 10	// '\n'
			TST1 = 0xFFFFFF

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:18 pm
by osdever
JPG image displaying and TTF rendering. Top text is displayed by OS, bottom is on image.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:25 pm
by BrightLight
catnikita255 wrote:JPG image displaying and TTF rendering. Top text is displayed by OS, bottom is on image.
Looks great! What library are you using for JPG decoding, or is it your own?
EDIT: I wish ACPI AML had more to show in a screenshot... I want to post in this thread yet work on my AML interpreter, lol.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:27 pm
by MichaelFarthing
A man who can decode jpeg! That is serious stuff!

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 2:36 am
by osdever
omarrx024 wrote:
catnikita255 wrote:JPG image displaying and TTF rendering. Top text is displayed by OS, bottom is on image.
Looks great! What library are you using for JPG decoding, or is it your own?
EDIT: I wish ACPI AML had more to show in a screenshot... I want to post in this thread yet work on my AML interpreter, lol.

Re: What does your OS look like? (Screen Shots..)

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:37 pm
by crunch

Not as glamorous as some of you, but whats shown is a userland ELF executable (read off of an EXT2 image) using the write() syscall.
What's even cooler in my mind, is that the ELF executable was assembled and made into flat ELF format by the assembler I wrote running in my kernel. Didn't want to port NASM etc, because I mean, I'm already writing my own OS so why the hell not? And I don't have a full-fledged C library yet.
So glad to finally have user-mode up and running. My issue was not mapping the user-mode stack as user accessible in the paging structures... 'doh :?

Here's a screenshot with the assembler running in psuedo-interpreter mode, where it doesn't write the exectuable to disk. It simply translates and executes, and can execute code in either kernel or user mode.